An office, conference room and
coworking facility with hot springs

Terms and Conditions of Accommodation

Application of These Terms and Conditions

Paragraph 1

  1. 1 Accommodation agreements and agreements related thereto executed by the Hotel shall be in accordance with the stipulations of these Terms and Conditions. Matters not stipulated here in shall be in accordance with laws, regulations or customs.
  2. 2 Notwithstanding the provision of 1. above, the Hotel reserves the right to comply with special provisions without departing from the scope of the intent of these Terms and Conditions, laws, regulations or customs.
Applications for Accommodation Contracts

Paragraph 2

  1. 1 Persons intending to apply with the Hotel for an accommodation contract shall notify the Hotel of the following items.
    1. (1) Full name and address of person(s) staying
    2. (2) Date(s) of stay and scheduled arrival time
    3. (3) Accommodation fees (These shall be in accordance with the basic accommodation fees in Appended Table 1 in principle.)
    4. (4) Other items deemed to be necessary by the Hotel
  2. 2 Should overnight guests request the continuation of their stay past the date(s) of stay under (2) above, the Hotel shall treat that request as if a new application for an accommodation contract was submitted at the time that request was made.
Refusal to Accept Accommodation

Paragraph 3

The Hotel may refuse to accept accommodation in the following cases.

  1. (1) When the application for accommodation is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  2. (2) When there is no guest room availability due to rooms being full (at capacity).
  3. (3) When persons who intend to stay are found to potentially commit acts that run contrary to the provisions of laws and regulations, public order or good morals with respect to accommodation.
  4. (4) When persons who intend to stay are found to fall under any of (a) through (c) below.
    1. (a) An organized crime group prescribed in Article 2, item (ii) of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991) ("Organized Crime Group"), an organized crime group member prescribed in Article 2, item (vi) of said Act ("Organized Crime Group Member"), an associate Organized Crime Group member, a party related to an Organized Crime Group or another anti-social force
    2. (b) A corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an Organized Crime Group or Organized Crime Group Member.
    3. (c) A corporation whose officers include persons who fall under Organized Crime Group Members.
  5. (5) When persons who intend to stay are clearly found to be carrying an infectious disease.
  6. (6) When violent demands are made or a burden that goes beyond a reasonable extent is demanded with respect to accommodation.
  7. (7) When staying cannot be allowed due to an act of God, facility malfunction or other unavoidable reason.
  8. (8) When overnight guests commit physical or verbal acts that significantly bother other overnight guests.
  9. (9) When overnight guests are found to potentially disrupt peaceful operation inside the Hotel by committing violent physical or verbal acts against Hotel employees or other overnight guests, hold up Hotel employees for long periods of time, commit acts that impede employee duties, etc.
  10. (10) When trouble arose between persons intending to stay and the Hotel in the past.

Paragraph 4

  1. 1 Should it accept an application to reserve accommodations, the Hotel may request the payment of a deposit not to exceed the accommodation fee for the period of stay (three days when the period of stay exceeds three days) or a deposit in an amount not to exceed 50% of the total amount for the number of guests and period of stay for group accommodations (cases involving ten of more guests) with a stipulated deadline.
  2. 2 If the case stipulated in Paragraph 5 applies, the deposits under 1. above shall be allocated to the reservation cancellation fee under Paragraph 5, with any balance to be returned.
Cancellation of Reservations I

Paragraph 5

  1. 1 If an applicant to reserve accommodations has canceled all or part of that reservation, the Hotel shall request the payment of a cancellation fee in accordance with the provisions of the reservation cancellation fees in Appended Table 2. However, this may not apply to cases where a cancellation of a reservation for accommodations was made by certain group guests and the number of those guests falls within 10% (with any fractions to be rounded up) of the number of people in the reservation on the day ten days prior to the date of stay (or, in cases where the application to reserve accommodations was received on a day after the day ten days prior to the date of stay, that day).
  2. 2 If guests do not arrive after 11:00 PM on the date of stay without notifying the Hotel (or the time after two hours have elapsed from the scheduled arrival time in cases where that time was clearly indicated), the Hotel may deem that reservation for accommodations as having been canceled and treat it as such.
  3. 3 When a reservation was deemed to have been canceled in accordance with the provisions of (2) above, if it was proven that the failure of the overnight guest to arrive without notifying the Hotel was due to a reason not attributable to the overnight guest, such as the non-arrival of or delay in a train, aircraft or other form of public transportation, the Hotel shall not request the payment of the reservation cancellation fee under (1) above.
Cancellation of Reservations II

Paragraph 6

The Hotel reserves the right to cancel reservations for accommodations in the following cases.

  1. (1) When the Hotel requests the reporting of the items under Paragraph 2-1. and said items are not clearly indicated by the deadline.
  2. (2) When any of the items from Paragraph 3-(3) to Paragraph 3-(10) apply.
  3. (3) When the Hotel requests the payment of the deposit under Paragraph 4-(1) and said deposit is not paid by the deadline.
  4. (4) When guests smoke in non-designated locations on the premises, play with firefighting equipment, etc., or otherwise do not comply with the prohibited matters in the usage rules stipulated by the Hotel (limited to those required in the prevention of fire).
  5. (5) Should it cancel a reservation for accommodations in accordance with the provisions of (1) to (4) above, barring cases that fall under Paragraph 3.(7), the Hotel shall request the payment of a penalty in accordance with the provisions of Appended Table 2.
  6. (6) When a cancellation of a reservation based on (5) above has been made during the period of stay, notwithstanding the provisions of Appended Table 2, the Hotel shall request the payment of the accommodation fees in full.
Registration of Stay

Paragraph 7

Upon their arrival at the Hotel on the date of their stay, overnight guests shall be asked to register the following items at the reception office.

  1. (1) The items under Paragraph 2-(1)
  2. (2) The date and time of departure
  3. (3) The nationality and passport number of overnight guests if they are non-Japanese individuals who do not have a residence in Japan
  4. (4) Other items deemed by the Hotel to be necessary
Guest Room Usage Times

Paragraph 8

  1. 1 The times when overnight guests can use the guest rooms of the Hotel shall be between the check-in time and check-out time stipulated by the Hotel. However, in cases where they stay at the Hotel continuously, overnight guests may use guest rooms for the entire day with the exception of their day of arrival and day of departure.
  2. 2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the items under (1) above, the Hotel may comply with the use of the guest rooms outside of the times stipulated in (1) above. In such cases, the Hotel shall request the payment of the additional fees that it has stipulated (consumption tax includes).
Business Hours

Paragraph 9

The business hours of the main facilities, etc. of the Hotel shall be as follows. Detailed information on business hours for other facilities, etc. shall be provided through the likes of pamphlets kept on the premises, displays at various locations, etc.

Available hours of reception desk
7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
6:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Hot springs bath
Check-in to 11:00 PM, 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Breakfast 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Dining hall (Fukufuku)
Lunch 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Dinner 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
(Orders no longer taken after 9:00 PM.)
Payment of Fees

Paragraph 10

  1. 1 The Hotel shall request the payment of fees using a method of its designation, such as currency or credit card.
  2. 2 The Hotel shall request the payment of accommodation fees even if overnight guests voluntarily did not stay after registering for their guest room.
Compliance with Usage Rules

Paragraph 11

In the Hotel, overnight guests shall comply with the "ASO KUMAMOTO AIRPORT HOTEL EMINENCE Usage Rules" kept on the Hotel premises.

Liability for Accommodations

Paragraph 12

  1. 1 The liability of the Hotel with respect to accommodations begins at the time that overnight guests register for their guest room at the reception desk of the Hotel or enter their guest room, whichever comes first, and ends at the time they vacate their guest room in order to depart.
  2. 2 If the Hotel became unable to provide a guest room to a person wishing to stay for reasons attributable to the Hotel, barring cases in which doing so is difficult due to acts of God or other reasons, the Hotel will help the guest find other accommodations with the same or similar conditions. In such cases, the Hotel will return the deposit if the Hotel received it.
Storage of Luggage or Belongings of Overnight Guests

Paragraph 13

  1. 1 When the luggage of overnight guests arrive at the Hotel ahead of their stay, the Hotel shall responsibly store the luggage only if it has agreed to do so prior to said arrival, and shall hand it to the overnight guest at the reception desk upon check-in during the available hours of the reception desk.
  2. 2 After overnight guests have checked out, in cases where they have inadvertently left their luggage or belongings in the Hotel, the Hotel shall handle the situation based on the contact and/or instructions of the owner rather than establishing contact from its end in principle. For cash and precious metals, the Hotel shall store said articles for one month including the day they were found, and subsequently bring them to the closest police station. For other articles, the Hotel will take the liberty of discarding them after storing them for one month. However, for food, the Hotel shall take the liberty of discarding said articles on the same day it was discovered from a hygienic standpoint.
  3. 3 In cases under (1) and (2) above, should overnight guests' luggage or belongings be lost or physically damaged or otherwise incur damages due to the willful intention or negligence of the Hotel, barring cases attributable to acts of God, the Hotel shall compensate for those damages. However, for articles for which overnight guests did not report the kind and value in advance, barring cases where there was willful intent or serious negligence on the part of the Hotel, the Hotel shall compensate for the damages up to an amount of 50,000 yen.
Liability for Parking

Paragraph 14

The Hotel shall assume no liability whatsoever for an accident or theft related to overnight guests that occurs in the parking area managed by the Hotel ("Hotel Parking Area") or a parking area not managed by the Hotel ("Other Parking Areas") if the reason is not attributable to the Hotel.

Meetings with External Visitors

Paragraph 15

External visitors shall not be allowed to stay on the premises outside of the available hours of the reception desk. Note that should it be discovered that an external visitor stayed outside those hours, the Hotel shall request the payment of accommodation fees that it has stipulated.


Paragraph 16

The use of Internet communication by guests at the Hotel shall be conducted at the responsibility of guests themselves. The Hotel shall bear no liability whatsoever even in cases where Internet communication is disconnected due to a system failure or another reason while guests are using that communication and they incur damages as a result. Additionally, should the Hotel or a third party incur damages in connection with the use of Internet communication by guests, guests will be asked to compensate the Hotel or third party for those damages.

Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law

Paragraph 17

Any and all disputes between overnight guests and the Hotel with respect to accommodation contracts shall be governed by the law of Japan and submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Kumamoto District Court in the first instance.

Changes to Terms and Conditions of Accommodation

Paragraph 18

The hotel, at its own discretion, reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions of Accommodation in the following cases.

  1. (1) If the change to the Terms and Conditions of Accommodation conforms to the common interests of overnight guests.
  2. (2) If the change to the Terms and Conditions of Accommodation does not run contrary to the purpose of the accommodation contract and is rational in light of the need for the change, the reasonableness of content following the change, the content of the change and other circumstances pertaining to the change.

Appended Table 1: Breakdown of Accommodation Fees, Etc.

amount payable by
overnight guests
Accommodation fees
  • Basic accommodation fees (Guest room fees)
Additional fees
  • Additional food and beverages (Breakfast, dinner and other F&B fees) and usage fees for ancillary facilities
  • Other service fees stipulated by the facility used
  • Consumption tax and other taxes prescribed by laws and regulations
Basic accommodation fees are in accordance with the amount notified by overnight guests to the Hotel under Paragraph 2-1 or the amount in the fee list shown at the reception desk or in pamphlets.

Appended Table 2: Reservation Cancellation Fees

Number of guests
on reservation
Date on which notification of reservation cancellation was received
No-show Same day Prior day 7 days prior 14 days prior
General Up to 9 guests 100% 100% 50%
Group 10 guests or more 100% 100% 50% 30% 10%
20 guests or more 100% 100% 50% 30% 10%
Note 1:
Percentages indicate the penalty rate applied to basic accommodation fees.
Note 2:
Guests who reduce the number of days on their reservation may be requested to pay a one day's (first day's) worth of accommodation fees as a penalty regardless of how many days they reduced their reservation by.