An office, conference room and
coworking facility with hot springs

About the Hotel


2071-1 Tabaru, Mashiki-machi, Kamimashiki-gun, Kumamoto


096-286-1111 / 096-286-0001

Number of rooms

35 guest rooms (21 Western-style rooms / 11 Japanese-style rooms / 2 suite rooms / 1 Hot Heart room)

Check-in / Check-out

Check in from 3:00 PM / Check out by 10:00 AM

Guests can apply to check in early or check out late for a separate fee of 2,000 yen/hour.

Guests can check in early starting from 12:00 PM and check out late until 12:00 PM.

If you would like to check in early or check out late, please apply to do so in advance.

Final check-in is at 11:00 PM.

Handicap accessibility

Hot Heart room (Room accommodating use of wheelchair) 1 room
Accommodates use of a wheelchair as well as the food needs of elderly individuals and those with allergies. A wheelchair on loan, handicap-accessible toilet, handicap-accessible room, handrail for the large communal bath bathtubs, and wheelchair-accessible toilets on the premises are available.

To ensure a hassle-free experience with peace of mind when using these accommodations, please verify them in advance.

Non-smoking rooms

These premises are non-smoking. Non-smoking guest rooms are available in the following number for each configuration: two suite rooms, one Japanese-style suite room, one Hot Heart room, seven single rooms, six twin rooms, and four Japanese-style rooms. Please request a non-smoking room upon making your reservation.

Parking area

Available (Free of charge/200 spaces *No reservation required)

The following credit cards are accepted.

JCB / Visa / MasterCard / American Express / UC / DC / NICOS / Diners Club / UFJ

Hot springs

[Types] Hot springs / Large communal bath / Open-air bath / Sauna / Natural hot springs / Jacuzzi / Water bath

Internet-related areas

[Network connection] Available in all guest rooms
[Connection method] Wireless LAN
[Internet connection] Free of charge
[Loaning of PCs] Not available

Cancellation policy

Cancellation fees shall apply in accordance with the following.
Cancellation on date of stay proper: 100% of accommodation fees
Cancellation on day prior to date of stay: 50% of accommodation fees
Cancellation fees shall apply in accordance with the following.
No stay/no arrival without prior contact: 100% of accommodation fees

Child fees

For children sharing a bed with their parent or guardian, a facility usage fee of 1,000 yen per child will be incurred. (This fee fluctuates depending on the time of year.)
Meals can be prepared according to the age of guests. Please inquire with the facility.

Conditions and precautions

If you will be late for your scheduled check-in time, please make sure to contact the facility in advance.
A separate bathing charge of 150 yen will be applied at the facility.

Facility description

Hot springs (free of charge / some paid), outdoor pool (paid), conference rooms (paid), co-working rooms (paid), tennis court (paid), personal training gym (paid) and smoking rooms